Your Guide To Natural Wellness: Understanding Ayurvedic Skincare And Health Solutions With Ultra Healthcare

rose petal powder


Settled in the heart of Panchkula, Haryana, Ultra Health Care remains as a reference point of regular wellbeing, offering a scope of Ayurvedic arrangements that guarantee to recuperate as well as to restore your body and skin. From the delicate hint of flower petal powder face packs to the hearty help of ayurvedic stone syrup, our items are planned in light of your all encompassing prosperity. Plunge into the substance of Ayurveda with us and find how our extraordinarily created items, including the rejuvenating “joke on container,” can change your wellbeing and skincare routine into a safe-haven of normal recuperating.

Rose Petal Powder Face Pack: Your Natural Ally for Radiant Skin

The mysterious permanent magnificence of flower petals, presently caught in our finely processed flower petal powder face pack, offers a characteristic and successful method for achieving shining, sound skin. Plentiful in cell reinforcements and nutrients, rose powder for skin gives a relieving and saturating impact, warding off skin sicknesses like skin breakout and redness, while its normal oils assist with securing in dampness, giving your skin a smooth and energetic shine.

The most effective method to Utilize: Blend a tablespoon of flower petal powder with water or milk to form glue. Apply equitably on the face and neck, leave it for 15-20 minutes, and wash off with tepid water. For best outcomes, utilize 2-3 times each week.

The Healing Essence of Ayurveda: Ayurvedic Stone Syrup

Ultra Healthcare’s Ayurvedic Stone Syrup is an expression of the force of Ayurvedic insight, offering a characteristic solution for kidney stones and urinary lot infections. Planned with a mix of conventional herbs known for their diuretic and detoxifying properties, this syrup helps in dissolving kidney stones as well as supporting the general soundness of the urinary parcel.

Benefits: It advances kidney wellbeing, helps with the breakdown and removal of kidney stones, and forestalls repetitive urinary parcel contamination.

Revitalize Your Vitality with Josh On Capsule

In the modern world, stress and lifestyle factors can often lead to decreased energy and vitality. The “josh on capsule” is Ultra Healthcare’s answer to these challenges. A potent blend of Ayurvedic herbs designed to enhance vitality and stamina, these capsules are a natural way to boost your energy levels and improve overall well-being.

Key Ingredients: With herbs like Ashwagandha and Shilajit, it’s an all-natural, safe way to rejuvenate your body and mind.


Why Choose Ultra Healthcare?

At Ultra Healthcare, our commitment goes beyond just providing natural products; we strive to educate and empower our customers to lead healthier, more balanced lives. Our products are meticulously crafted, combining the best of Ayurvedic traditions with modern scientific research to offer solutions that are effective, safe, and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

From Our Customers

Hear from those who have experienced the transformative effects of Ultra Healthcare’s products:

“The rose petal powder face pack has become an indispensable part of my skincare routine. It’s amazing how something so natural can make such a big difference!” – Priya K.

“Dealing with kidney stones was harrowing until I found Ultra Healthcare’s Ayurvedic Stone Syrup. It’s been a game-changer for my health.” – Amit S.


Ultra Healthcare invites you to embrace the healing power of Ayurveda with our range of products tailored for your health and beauty needs. Located in Panchkula, Haryana, we are your go-to source for everything from skin care, like our rose petal powder face pack, to health supplements such as our ayurvedic stone syrup and josh on capsule. Join us on a journey to wellness and discover the difference natural and holistic care can make in your life.

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